Monday, September 24, 2012

step 1, identifying the problem

1.The first thing that bothers me about school this year is that teachers like to pick on kids. They will tel one kid that they requested them to stop talkin, but the whole class is talking and its really loud but they decide to pick on one kid.

 2. The other thing is that kids are mean to kids and they are always mean mugging other ones which is very disrespectful and younger class men would be giveing attidtude to upper class men which is absolutley rediculose because they need to treat other like they would want to be treated. Also that they need to respect their elders they should be looking up to us we are their ro models.

 3.The lockers are bad because not everyone has a locker and its our 3rd week of school they should fix the lockers by now they are slacking off. They dont understand that some kids have to walk around with all their supplies in their backpack and its really heavy which can end up giving them back problems when they get older, even now they can get back problems. we may be yound and have healthy bodies but we still need to take care of them so we dont have pain in the future and carrying around heavy heavy backpacks isnt going to help us keep our body healthy.
4.The other problem that we have is that teachers are rude to kids and they expect us to be respectful to them. You earn respect you just dont get it. If your frustrated then you need to learn how to calm down your nerves and take things in a more respectful manner no matter how frustrated you are because if your mean and rude to kids you will get it twice as hard back so dont fight fire with fire all you do is get burned so take matters into control and put the fire out yourself with water.


5. Last but not least we only have 3 minute passing periods that is not enough time to do all the things teachers expect us to do ex:got to the bathroom,go to your locker,get something to drink,walk to class. We dont have time for all of this in 3 minutes expecially girls and haveing to go to the bathroom for many different reasons.

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