Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Digital Graduate Portfolio: exploration

 i like her portfolio because she has everything organized and has all her work in each different files from freshman sophmore junior senior year, in different specific files from that year she was in. She has the mascot of her school picture up there and her class behind the school bulding sign to show what school she goes to. The thing i didnt like about it was it was really plain and has no pazas to it its boring just to look at.
all it has is a picture of a white baby tiger. What information am i going to get out of that it doesnt mean nothing to me. It also has pictures behind it but i don' know what they are because they are covered with the first pisture you see.
I like everything in his graduate portfolio because its soo organized it even has his work from each month you can pick to look at. The only thing i dont like about his is the color its very plain and blah he should make it more colorful but it may be just his style i dont know, but i just dont like it its very very blah.
Everything in this blog is great the design, the organazation, the color, everything in this blog is great i love this blog the most i want mine to be like this one.
this is very unique it explains or gives us a hint on what he likes from teh backround and gives a hint on kind of who he is as a person.His blog is also very intresting and organized you can find anything you want in it.

What i would like in my portfolio is the lay out as http://isajourneys.net/sbarri2014/ but i would like to do my own colors and background to explain more of who i am and what i like.
what u would want to avoid is more of the first persons profile i want to avoid that because its boring i would like to have an interesting portfolio so people would want to look at it and look at my work that iv done not be boring.

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