Monday, September 24, 2012

Digital Citizenship

                                                            CYBER BULLYING!!
3 things i found out:

  • Meghan Meier was a 13 year old girl who committed suicide over a boy named "josh" who claimed he was 16 and was from Florida and just moved to o'Fallen and he was home schooled on Myspace, but he wasn't who he said he was.She fell in love with this boy and he lead her on to believe that he was really into her. To make this story short he ended up telling her that this world would be batter off without her, no one likes her, she nasty and just said a lot of rude and unnecessary comments which caused her to cry she tried to talk to her mom about it but her mom was to busy top listen. Since her mom didn't listen to her she went upstairs and killed herself she hung herself in her closet. When they investigated about what happened they found out it was a teenage girls mother who made that account and she lived down the street, one evening Megan parents went to their house and destroyed everything. If you want to know more about the Megan Meier suicide visit
  • In 2007 research says 60% of kids/students were being cyber-bullied or cyber bullying victims. If you want to know more facts and statistics visit
  • Cyber bullying can happen any were now since we use more technology and even kids at a young age use technology kids start to bully one another on the internet at a younger age. CYBER BULLYING NEEDS AN END NOW!!!!!!!!!
2 interesting things:

  • The daughter and mother who sent those mean messages to Megan knew a lot more people who was involved in it and they didn't say nothing to the authorities they just let it happen knowing she could of done something bad to herself.
  • There are many foundations that try to stop cyber bullying but it doesn't look like their doing a good job if kids are still getting cyber bullied out there.
1 question:
  • Do people actually try to get rid of cyber bullying?

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