Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Software Review

Personal organizers cloud based apps is my web application i looked up and i found several sites and apps you can get to get a personal organizer.
1.http://astrid.com/ "Bright, chipper and adaptive Web-based list manager and task manager. Astrid supports dates, repeat intervals, priority, and tagging. It lets you sort and filter tasks according to a set of options and priorities you can set and change anytime. You can also set it to send you daily or weekly “digests” which are summary messages based upon the data you enter. You can also share and assign tasks with another Astrid user.
Astrid is open-source and free. It saves all your data in the “cloud” and lets you synchronize between your Astrid account, Google Tasks, and an iPhone or Android mobile."

2.http://btodo.com/ "This is a Web-based task management application with an all-business interface and a fairly straightforward set of features — it does pretty well what you expect it to, nothing more and nothing less. There are no browser plug-ins and no native mobile apps. Just a simple, online task manager for which you take out a free account.
bTodo does let you set up more than one user for a single account, so it is well suited for collaborative teams. If you want a simple, online task manager and you don’t want to spend a lot of time learning a new user interface, give this a test drive. You might like it."

3.http://www.coolendar.com/ "Imaginative and surprisingly efficient utility combining a calendar with a list manager. Brower-based (no plug-ins) with optional iOS and Android apps. There’s a Kindle version too.
With this app you make yourself little bulletized “to-do” lists that look like tweets — they even have hash tags! You can display them sequentially, a day or a week’s worth, by date or by category. You can set the app to send you reminders, if you like, by IM or email. It synchronizes with various other applications including Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook.
This is one of those odd, love-it-or-hate-it apps. It’s the product of a sole Brazilian developer who asks for a donation if you love it. You just might."

Monday, September 24, 2012

Evidence im ready to present

I have every piece of expediences needed for all my objectives that we have completed

my story,out of order, part 1

I choose this photo because i love wolfs they are so unique and beautiful. They look like dogs but they are way more powerful and dangerous they protect themselves and their pack so their really strong and aware of everything. I love wolfs they are the most precious creature on earth they are just amazing.

                               They are beautiful they have gourgeous eyes and fur they are mezmorizing. I wish we could have wolves as pets that would be the best thing ever. They would be the best watch dogs ever. This wolf is absolutley amazingly beautiful i would love to see one like this in person.

This picture is very amazing i think wolves as night walkers because they dont sleep at night because they have to watch after their family to keep them away from harm. They sing to the moon and to the night its usually when they all come out and do their thing. Thats why i love wolves they are

step 1, identifying the problem

1.The first thing that bothers me about school this year is that teachers like to pick on kids. They will tel one kid that they requested them to stop talkin, but the whole class is talking and its really loud but they decide to pick on one kid.

 2. The other thing is that kids are mean to kids and they are always mean mugging other ones which is very disrespectful and younger class men would be giveing attidtude to upper class men which is absolutley rediculose because they need to treat other like they would want to be treated. Also that they need to respect their elders they should be looking up to us we are their ro models.

 3.The lockers are bad because not everyone has a locker and its our 3rd week of school they should fix the lockers by now they are slacking off. They dont understand that some kids have to walk around with all their supplies in their backpack and its really heavy which can end up giving them back problems when they get older, even now they can get back problems. we may be yound and have healthy bodies but we still need to take care of them so we dont have pain in the future and carrying around heavy heavy backpacks isnt going to help us keep our body healthy.
4.The other problem that we have is that teachers are rude to kids and they expect us to be respectful to them. You earn respect you just dont get it. If your frustrated then you need to learn how to calm down your nerves and take things in a more respectful manner no matter how frustrated you are because if your mean and rude to kids you will get it twice as hard back so dont fight fire with fire all you do is get burned so take matters into control and put the fire out yourself with water.


5. Last but not least we only have 3 minute passing periods that is not enough time to do all the things teachers expect us to do ex:got to the bathroom,go to your locker,get something to drink,walk to class. We dont have time for all of this in 3 minutes expecially girls and haveing to go to the bathroom for many different reasons.

who am i? images 1

energetic smiley face website

generousity pic website
tamon pic website
vet pic website
laughing smiley face website
huggin teddy bear website
softball pic website

peace sign website
animal lover pic website

website vs. blog

Websites are better for our graduate portfolio because it is more organizing.
Blogs aren't as good for graduate portfolios because they aren't as organizing as you would like them to be

Digital Citizenship

                                                            CYBER BULLYING!!
3 things i found out:

  • Meghan Meier was a 13 year old girl who committed suicide over a boy named "josh" who claimed he was 16 and was from Florida and just moved to o'Fallen and he was home schooled on Myspace, but he wasn't who he said he was.She fell in love with this boy and he lead her on to believe that he was really into her. To make this story short he ended up telling her that this world would be batter off without her, no one likes her, she nasty and just said a lot of rude and unnecessary comments which caused her to cry she tried to talk to her mom about it but her mom was to busy top listen. Since her mom didn't listen to her she went upstairs and killed herself she hung herself in her closet. When they investigated about what happened they found out it was a teenage girls mother who made that account and she lived down the street, one evening Megan parents went to their house and destroyed everything. If you want to know more about the Megan Meier suicide visit   http://www.meganmeierfoundation.org/megansStory.php.
  • In 2007 research says 60% of kids/students were being cyber-bullied or cyber bullying victims. If you want to know more facts and statistics visit  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberbullying
  • Cyber bullying can happen any were now since we use more technology and even kids at a young age use technology kids start to bully one another on the internet at a younger age. CYBER BULLYING NEEDS AN END NOW!!!!!!!!!
2 interesting things:

  • The daughter and mother who sent those mean messages to Megan knew a lot more people who was involved in it and they didn't say nothing to the authorities they just let it happen knowing she could of done something bad to herself.
  • There are many foundations that try to stop cyber bullying but it doesn't look like their doing a good job if kids are still getting cyber bullied out there.
1 question:
  • Do people actually try to get rid of cyber bullying?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Digital Graduate Portfolio: exploration

 i like her portfolio because she has everything organized and has all her work in each different files from freshman sophmore junior senior year, in different specific files from that year she was in. She has the mascot of her school picture up there and her class behind the school bulding sign to show what school she goes to. The thing i didnt like about it was it was really plain and has no pazas to it its boring just to look at.
all it has is a picture of a white baby tiger. What information am i going to get out of that it doesnt mean nothing to me. It also has pictures behind it but i don' know what they are because they are covered with the first pisture you see.
I like everything in his graduate portfolio because its soo organized it even has his work from each month you can pick to look at. The only thing i dont like about his is the color its very plain and blah he should make it more colorful but it may be just his style i dont know, but i just dont like it its very very blah.
Everything in this blog is great the design, the organazation, the color, everything in this blog is great i love this blog the most i want mine to be like this one.
this is very unique it explains or gives us a hint on what he likes from teh backround and gives a hint on kind of who he is as a person.His blog is also very intresting and organized you can find anything you want in it.

What i would like in my portfolio is the lay out as http://isajourneys.net/sbarri2014/ but i would like to do my own colors and background to explain more of who i am and what i like.
what u would want to avoid is more of the first persons profile i want to avoid that because its boring i would like to have an interesting portfolio so people would want to look at it and look at my work that iv done not be boring.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

blog design

 I like these blogs because they are unique and also looney tunes and i love looney tunes there are also describing the person thats blog that is. These blogs are unique because not every blog is just that fun or decorated these people actually tried to make their blogs intresting and fun there not boring they actually make me want to read them.

 I dont like these blogs because there all plain and boring they make the blogs boring. I looked at them and wwas ver unitrested in reading them because they were all blah. If they actually decorated but its an important blog they still could design it because i guarentee that if it looked more intresting some people would think the blog was intresting so they would read it anyways. If its just a plain color and nohting really in the backround it makes it look dead nothing there bring your blog to life make it as intresting as possible.

Monday, August 20, 2012

week 3 ,monday

 I like technology class it helpos me keep things organized. I'm looking forward to this class more and more because i learn new things everyday how to keep myself organized more useiong the computer. The only negative thing about this is their is a  lot of email adress pas codes we have to remember to log into everything, but i remember them all. Everything i have to say about thsi class is positive because its such a great and organized class. It is also helping me learn more things about emails and the computer and what it can really manage. I really like this class.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Getting started

Well i am excited to have my own blog so i am able to tell you about the exciting and intresting stuff i do hear at this amazing school dcis. This school is so creative and inspiring and intresting this school grows more and more every year. This school pushes us because they want us to do great in the future. The teachers are amazing and you get great help from everyone no matter who it is. These teachers are very trusted also i honestly dont think these teachers are like any other teachers. This school is absolutley amazing it introduces you to amazing things like this we have a blog for school its really nice and entertaning. I dont think iv ever loved a school so much in my life this school is everything and you get a lot of oppertunities to travel and do things you like and your are heard, Here at dcis we make sure every kids voice is heard and understood and they meet our needs to they make sure were very comfotorable at this school. They want us to think of this school as our second home...and i think i can because i trust everyone in this school (staff).